Date of Appointment: | Mobile No: | Phone No: | Fax No: |
03/02/2025 | +91 9978406201 | ૦7927551681 | +917927552144 |
The state government appoints a Collector under section 8 of the Bombay Land Revenue Code, 1879. The Divisional Commissioner had been looking after the implementation and supervision of the land revenue code during the ex-Bombay state. From 15th August 1950, the post of divisional Commissioner was abolished and the powers of land revenue code and other acts were delegated to the collector by the government with that the Collector was made responsible for the implementation of provisions of various Acts in the district.
Day by day the workload of the collector has increased as he is an important link between the government and the people. He, being a representative of state government at the district level has to discharge the most important duties and also has to play the role of Chief Co-coordinator of the District. The administration today has become more citizen-centric and speedy. In order to meet the expectations of citizens from the district administration, efforts should be made to make administration much smoother, more efficient, transparent, and citizen-friendly with the maximum use of Information and Communication Technology.
Sh. Sujeet Kumar (IAS)
Collector & District Magistrate, Ahmedabad